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Office of Sport

To deliver The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award at your school or organisation you will need to register as an Award Centre and nominate at least one Award Leader who will be responsible for coordinating the Award within your Award Centre. It is strongly recommended that you also identify a second person to ensure continuity through any absences. They will be required to complete the Award Leader training outlined in the steps below.

An Award Centre Licence agreement will be issued which needs to be signed and returned by the delegated approving officer (Authorising Contact).

The Award Leader will also need to register their Award Centre on the Online Record Book (ORB). The ORB is the online system used to manage Participant registrations, activity logging and Award sign-off approvals.

Follow these steps to become an Award Centre in NSW

  1. Consider how you will deliver the Duke of Ed at you organisation and nominate an Award Leader(s).
  2. The nominated Award Leader completes the Award Centre Expression of Interest Form.
  3. The nominated Award Leader will be contacted to discuss plans to run the Award.
  4. The nominated Award Leader registers organisation for the Online Record Book (ORB).
  5. The Authorising Contact will be sent an email to confirm Award Leader access to the ORB.
  6. The Authorising Contact will be sent an email with all the information required to register as an Award Centre, including the Award Centre Licence Agreement for electronic signature. This email will be sent from DocuSign.
  7. Once authorised, the NSW Division will email the Award Leader(s) login details to access the Duke of Ed Award Leader Learning Locker to complete mandatory training.
  8. An invoice containing the Award Centre Annual Affiliation Fee will be emailed to your billing contact.
  9. Award Leader(s) must complete Award Leader Training Level 1 in the Duke of Ed Award Leader Learning Locker before ORB access is granted.
  10. Award Leader(s) should complete Award Leader Training Level 2 (within 3 months of completing Level 1 Training).
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