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Office of Sport

Public Interest Disclosures

The Office of Sport has developed a Public Interest Disclosures Policy (‘Policy’) following the introduction of the new Public Interest Disclosure Act 2022 (NSW) (‘PID Act’) and demonstrates the Office of Sport’s commitment to building a ‘speak up’ culture where public officials are encouraged to report any conduct that they reasonably believe involves serious wrongdoing.

The Policy facilitates this reporting by setting out how the Office of Sport will deal with a report while supporting and protecting those making it. Additionally, it details how to make a report and who to contact as well as the protections available to people under the PID Act.  

The Policy is also applicable to the Combat Sports Authority of NSW.

Further Information

The NSW Ombudsman has prepared a Fact Sheet on the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (NSW), which provides an overview of the changes. Click here to view the fact sheet.

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