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Office of Sport

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Public participation

The Office of Sport works closely with stakeholders and the wider community to continually improve services and achieve better outcomes for our customers.

Stakeholder and community engagement is all about establishing and maintaining a connection with our communities. We work hard at improving stakeholder relationships by maintaining a general presence within the community, and by initiating and encouraging open dialogue between the Office of Sport, the wider community and other stakeholder groups.

Channels of engagement

  • Office of Sport website
  • Social Media (Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin)
  • Surveys
  • NSW Have your say - lists current community consultations taking place throughout New South Wales
  • Data NSW - brings together a list of NSW Government datasets available in one searchable website.
  • OpenGov NSW – This is where you will find information published by NSW Government agencies, including Annual Reports and open access information released under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).

Feedback and Complaints Handling

The Office of Sport has introduced a feedback widget at the bottom of every web page as an additional avenue for customers to lodge their Feedback.

Click the thumbs up button to 'like' the page and click the thumbs down button to lodge a complaint or provide written feedback. 

Feedback widget

Complaints are handled in line with the Office of Sport’s Complaints Handling Policy.

NSW Ombudsman

The Office of Sport is a public authority covered by the NSW Ombudsman scheme.

The NSW Ombudsman is an independent integrity agency that pursues fairness for the people of NSW. It strives to ensure that those entrusted with public power and resources fulfil their responsibilities and treat everyone fairly.

For information about the NSW Ombudsman, including when and how you can make a complaint, visit:

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