Below are a series of resources and websites to guide and assist coaches who facilitate participant and athlete development within the Foundational, Pre-elite (Talent) and High-Performance levels.
FTEM NSW Flyer (PDF, 11.52 MB) (NSW Office of Sport)
FTEM NSW Systems Overview - Full version covering all levels
Pathway Coaches webinars (Office of Sport)
Safety and Integrity – Tips for Coaches (Play by the Rules)
Coaches Tool Kit (Sports Dieticians Australia)
Coaching and Officiating Podcast series (Sport Australia)
FTEM NSW Flyer (PDF, 11.52 MB) (NSW Office of Sport)
FTEM NSW Systems Overview - Foundational levels only
FTEM NSW Best Practice Tips for Instructors and Coaches - Foundational levels only
Foundational Tips for Parents Infographic (PDF, 1.73 MB) (PDF, 1.73 MB)
Training for Coaches (Sport Australia)
How to Coach Kids (Aspen Institute – Project Play)
How to Develop Kids as Athletes and People (Aspen Institute – Project Play)
Statement on Sport Specialisation (Australian Institute of Sport)
Considerations of Training Load (Australian Institute of Sport)
Physical Literacy (Sport AUS)
Yulunga Traditional Games (Sport AUS)
Sports Ability (Sport AUS)
Play for Life (Sport AUS)
Inclusive Sport (Sport AUS)
FTEM NSW Flyer (PDF, 11.52 MB)(NSW Office of Sport)
FTEM NSW Systems Overview - Talent levels only
FTEM NSW Best Practice Tips for Instructors and Coaches - Talent levels only
Success Profiles for Coaches of Pre-elite NSW Athletes
Pathway Coaches webinars (Office of Sport)
Considerations of Training Load (Australian Institute of Sport)
Real Science of Sport (Podcasts by Professor Ross Tucker and Mike Finch)
Resilience in People and Organisations – Webinar (Dr Mustafa Sakar)
Routledge Handbook of Talent Identification and Development in Sport
Coaching and Officiating podcast series (Sport AUS)
Understanding Athlete Biological Maturation and its Implications for Practice
Attending to a key action of the Future Champions strategy specific to empowering all stakeholders who support participants and emerging athletes (e.g., coaches, sporting organisations, schools etc.) , the NSW Office of Sport in collaboration with Dr Shaun Abbott and Professor Stephen Cobley (The University of Sydney), has recently developed a suite of practical resources to facilitate understanding and implementation specific to athlete maturation.
Biological Maturation Resource for Sporting Stakeholders
Tips for Sporting Organisations Athlete Maturation
Tips for Parents Athlete Maturation
Tips for Managers Athlete Maturation
Tips for Coaches Athlete Maturation
Use the Maturation Status Calculator